Shamshir-i Bayyam, Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA)

 Shamshir-i Bayyam, Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA).

 (Episode No-1)

 That traveler was going alone in the desert of Arabia in the 8th Hijri era, the area of ​​Arabia where Mecca and Medina are located used to be a terrible desert. It burns and scorches people. One was the hardships of the desert and the other was the danger of travelers. The travelers used to travel in caravans, but this traveler was going alone. He was riding a war horse of high breed.

 His armor was tied to the horse's saddle. A shield hung from his waist and a spear was in his hand. In those days, men were tall, broad-chested and muscular, and so was this lone traveler. He was among the men, but the way he sat on his horse showed that he was a horse rider and that he was no ordinary man. There was not even the slightest expression of fear on his face that the soldiers would rob him. 'He would be deprived of such a well-bred horse and he would have to travel on foot, but the expression on his face was not natural. He was thinking about something, he was being distracted by memories or trying to bury some memories in his mind. There was a ravine ahead. The horse went on climbing. Going to a very high altitude, the ground became flat. The rider stopped the horse and turned it around and stood on the stirrups and looked back. He did not see Mecca. Mecca had gone under the horizon. "Abu Sulaiman!" He seemed to hear a voice. "Don't look back now, put Mecca out of your mind, you are a man of the field, don't let yourself be cut in two, stick to your decision, your destination is Medina." He took his eyes off the direction of Mecca. Horses. turned towards Madinah and gave a slight shock to the garden. The horse understood the signs of its rider. The rider was 43 years old but looked younger than his age.” Solomon was his son's name. His father's name was "Al-Waleed" but Sawar preferred to be called "Abu Sulaiman" instead of "Khalid bin Waleed". Little did he know that history would remember him as "Khalid bin Waleed" and this name would become another name for the military traditions and spirit of Islam. But at the age of 43, when Khalid was going to Madina, he was not a Muslim. Apart from small skirmishes, he had fought two major wars against the Muslims, "The Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Trench". The first revelation was revealed on Monday, when Khalid was 24 years old.

By this time he had become the leader of the military force of his tribe Banu Makhzoom. Banu Makhzoom was one of the few noble families of Quraish. The military affairs of Quraish were entrusted to this family. At the age of 24, this status was also achieved by Khalid, but after rejecting this status, Khalid Abu Sulaiman was going to Madinah. Sometimes he felt as if some force from his self was dragging him back. When he felt the effect of this force, his neck would turn back, but a voice would rise from his own self, "Go ahead, Khalid!" So Waleed has a son, but he is dead. Now you are Sulaiman's father. He is alive. Two names stuck in his mind: Muhammad (the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him) who brought a new religion and Al Waleed, who was Khalid. His father was a great enemy of Muhammad ﷺ and his new religion. His father passed this enmity to Khalid as a legacy. He looked around and saw palm trees and desert-like trees in a circular circle. The horse was going there. Entering the oasis, Khalid jumped from the horse. Taking off his turban, he knelt down by the water's edge. He poured water full on his head and threw two or four splashes on his mouth. His horse was drinking water. Khalid drank from this spring which was only for human use. It was a small forest. Khalid took the horses. Ki took off the saddle and opened a small door tied to the saddle and laid him down under a bunch of bush-like trees. He was tired. He wanted to sleep for a while, but the train of memories that went on in his mind. He did not sleep was giving He remembered a day seven years ago when his loved ones had planned to kill Muhammad, with Khalid's father al-Walid leading the plan. It was a night in September 622. Quraysh had planned to kill the Prophet in his sleep. Men were chosen who were savages and beasts in human form. Khalid was a young man of the leading family of Quraysh, he was twenty-seven years old at that time. He remembered that night seven years ago like yesterday.

He was both happy and unhappy about this killing, happy because a man from his own tribe called his religion 'false', which was idolatry, and called himself a prophet of God. But it was natural to be happy. And he was unhappy because he was convinced to challenge his enemy to face-to-face combat. He never thought of killing a sleeping enemy, however he opposed this plot. did not But on the night of the murder, when the assassins went to kill the Messenger of God at the appointed time, his house was empty. There were no household goods, neither was there a horse or a camel. The Quraysh were sleeping in the hope that in the morning they would get the good news that the one who denied their religion and called them to their new religion had been killed, but in the morning they were looking at each other in despair. Then they whispered to each other. They started asking others, "Where did Muhammad go?" The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, had become aware of the plot to kill him and migrated to Yathrib (Madinah). One evening in 613, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) invited some of the leading members of the Quraish to eat with him. The gift that I am about to present to you cannot be presented by any other Arab person because Allah has chosen me. Allah has ordered me to call you to a religion that is compatible with your world The end will also make you comfortable and happy." In this way, three years after the revelation of the first revelation, the Messenger of God invited his close loved ones to accept Islam. Khalid is not in this gathering. was His father was invited. He jokingly told Khalid that Abdul Muttalib's grandson Muhammad (peace be upon him) had said that he was a prophet sent by Allah. We know that Abdul Muttalib was a Quraysh chieftain. He said, "Indeed, the family of Muhammad has a high status

But why should any member of this family claim prophethood? By Allah and Hubal and Uzza, the rank of my family is not lower than anyone else, can anyone be higher than us by claiming prophethood?

 "What did you say to him?" Khalid asked. "At first we were silent." Then we all laughed." Alwaleed said." But Muhammad's cousin Ali has accepted Muhammad's prophethood."

 Khalid did not forget his father's sarcastic laugh. Khalid remembered that time one day in 629 when he was lying in an oasis on the way to Mecca and Medina. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, whose prophethood was not accepted by the leaders of Quraysh. People were accepting this prophethood. The majority of them were young people. Some poor people also accepted Islam. This revived the spirit of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and he accelerated the propagation of Islam. He (peace be upon him) was against idolatry. used to fly which were placed inside and outside the Kaaba. Before the dawn of Islam, the Arabs believed in one God and worshiped these idols, they called them goddesses and gods and considered them as the sons and daughters of Allah. They used to swear. Quraysh saw that the religion of Muhammad ﷺ which they mocked was becoming popular, so they formed a front against the preaching activities of the Prophet ﷺ and made it forbidden for Muslims to live. Khalid remembered that he He saw the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) gathering people in the streets and markets and inviting them to accept Islam and telling them that idols can neither benefit them nor harm them. Only Allah is worthy of worship. There were four chiefs of Quraysh who were the leaders of the opposition. One was Khalid's father, Al-Waleed. The second was Abu Lahab, the Prophet's own uncle, the third was Abu Sufyan, and the fourth was Abu al-Hikam, who was Khalid's cousin. The most cruelty and violence against Muslims was done by this person, he was hateful to the extent of ignorance and Muslim-killer, that's why Muslims started calling him "Abu Jahl". This name became so common that people forgot his real name. I have already gone. History has also remembered this man of short stature, beard and iron-like strength as "Abu Jahl". Khalid started to be disturbed by these memories, maybe even ashamed. The people of Quraysh had thrown obscenities at the house of the Messenger of God (PBUH) many times. Wherever a Muslim was preaching Islam, the Quraysh men used to come and make a fuss. The ill-mannered and insulted men were put to work to keep disturbing the Messenger of God.

Khalid must have been satisfied that his father had not done such a despicable act against Muhammad. He twice went to Abu Talib, the uncle of the Messenger of God, saying that he was his nephew. Stop (the Messenger of God) from insulting idols and claiming prophethood, otherwise he will be killed by someone. Abu Talib avoided these people both times. Khalid remembered the great sacrifice of his father. "Khalid's brother. He was a particularly handsome young man. He was intelligent and had a youthful appearance. Khalid's father, Al-Waleed, handed his handsome son Amara over to two Quraysh chiefs and told them to call him Abu, Muhammad's uncle. Take him to Talib and tell him to keep my son and give us Muhammad (peace be upon him) instead. Khalid was shocked by his father's decision and when his brother Amara went with the two chiefs, Khalid went and cried in solitude, "Abu Talib!" The chiefs made Amara in front of the Prophet's (PBUH) uncle and said, "Do you know him? This is Amara bin Al-Waleed. You will also know that Banu Hashim whose you Sardar, you have not yet produced such a stylish and wise young man. This we have come to hand over to you forever. If you keep him as your son, he will remain obedient all his life, and if you make him your slave, I swear by Allah, he will sacrifice his life for you." "But why are you handing him over to me?" Abu Talib. asked, "Have the mothers of Banu Makhzoom started auctioning off their sons? Say, 'How much do you want for him?'" :" This nephew of yours has become the cause of your disgrace. He has rejected the religion of your forefathers and made a new religion. Do you not see that he has made man in the tribe an enemy of man?"

”What are you going to do by taking my nephew?” “Killing,” answered the second chief of Quraish. "We will kill Muhammad (peace be upon him). It will not be injustice. You see that we are giving you our own son instead of your nephew." This will be a great injustice. "Abu Talib said, "You You will kill my nephew and I will raise your son and spend on him and give him a very good life? What kind of justice have you brought to me? I send you off with honor. Seeing the brother returning with his chiefs and hearing from the chiefs that Abu Talib did not accept the deal, Khalid was heartily happy.

 "What did you spoil Muhammad ﷺ, Abu Sulaiman? A question arose from Khalid's self. He shook his head in thoughts and said in his heart: "Nothing. Indeed, the body of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is strong, but physical strength alone is not enough to pick up and beat a wrestler like Rukana bin Abd Yazid." Rukana bin Abdazid was the uncle of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) who did not accept Islam. He was a well-known Arab wrestler. There were many honorable wrestlers whom he did not leave able to get up in a single stake. He was a savage man. He only knew how to fight and kill. Khalid began to remember the time when three or four men who were harassing the Muslims fed the Rakana Pahlawan well one day and told him that "Your nephew Muhammad (peace be upon him) does not fall into anyone's hands. He does not stop preaching." He is not afraid of anyone and people are falling under the spell of his words. Can't you straighten him out?"

 Do you want to get rid of it?" Rukana had created the expression of a drunken buffalo on his face and said in a tone of arrogance. "Bring him to my competition, but he will run away from Mecca after hearing my name. No, no. I consider it my blasphemy to fight with him.” He did not listen to the instigators. He did not consider any wrestler as his equal. You (peace be upon him) should be made a spectacle. The Jews of Makkah were enemies of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in particular. It is said that some men of the Quraysh had incited Rakana the wrestler to challenge the Messenger of God (peace be upon him) to wrestling. But he did not agree. One day Rakana was passing through a street at night when he saw near him a big Hussain and A young girl passed by. In the moonlit night, the girl recognized Rakana and smiled. Rakana was a savage. He stopped and blocked the girl's way. "Who are you?"

 "It means that the woman wants this man." The young girl replied, "I am Sabbat Bint Arman."“

"Oh. Armenian Jew's daughter." Rakana said and placed her hand on the girl's shoulders and pulled her closer to him and said, "Do you like my body so well and my strength?" Sabat retreated and said, "You are afraid of your nephew Muhammad." Drop Muhammad first. I will give you my body as a reward. "By the sons and daughters of Allah! I will fulfill your promise and come before you." Rakana said, "But you have heard wrongly that I am afraid of Muhammad. The point is that I fight with someone weaker than me." I consider it an insult, but I will fulfill your word. The famous historian Ibn Hisham has written that the Holy Prophet himself challenged Rakana to wrestling, but the testimony given by another historian, Ibn Al-Athir, is correct that Rakana challenged Muhammad to wrestle. Lalkara and he said: "My brother's son! You are a man of great heart and great courage." I also know that you hate to lie. But a man's courage and integrity are measured in the arena. Come and compete with me in the arena. If you knock me down, I will accept you as a prophet sent by Allah, by Allah! I will accept your religion." He said: "There will be a fight between an idolater and a prophet of the true religion. If you lose, don't forget your promise." In Mecca, the news spread like a desert storm that the wrestlers and Muhammad (peace be upon him) were wrestling. And the loser will accept the religion of the winner. Quraysh's children, children, Mardozen and Jews came in crowds. The Muslims were very few in number. They came armed with swords and spears because they felt threatened. It was said that the Quraysh would use the wrestling as an excuse to kill the Messenger of God. Phabti Kisi. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) looked into Rakana's eyes with complete silence and contentment, so that he would not play any stake in ignorance.

The Riqana circled around him (peace be upon him) like a lion has circled around its prey and is about to eat it. The crowd was mocking the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The Muslims were silent, they were remembering Allah in their hearts. He kept his hands on the hilts of his swords. Then I don't know what happened? What did the Holy Prophet ﷺ play? Ibn Al-Athir says that he ﷺ lifted Ruqana and struck him on the ground. Ruqana rose up like a wounded lion and roared at him. The assailant got up. He again played the same stake and hit him. When he got up, he hit him a third time. The heavy body was hit three times, and the boat was unable to continue. Rukana bowed his head and left the arena. There was a commotion in the crowd and the Muslims were waving bare swords and spears in the air and shouting slogans, "Chacha Rakana," the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, challenged, "fulfill your promise and announce here that from today you will He is a Muslim. "Rukana clearly refused to accept Islam. "This power was not physical." Khalid said to himself while lying in the oasis. "It is far-fetched to beat Rukana three times like this. Couldn't either "The concept of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) came to Khalid's mind. He knew him (PBUH) well, but now he felt as if he was another Muhammad (PBUH) whom he had known since childhood. After that, he (PBUH) Khalid did not recognize him in the direction he had taken. After the claim of prophethood, Khalid's conversation with him had stopped. He wanted to wrestle with you, but he was not a wrestler like Rakana. He was a warrior who fought on the battlefield and led the warriors but at that time the Muslims were not able to fight in the form of an army.

 When the Muslims were able to fight in the form of an army and they had their first battle with Quraysh. At that time, such circumstances had arisen for Khalid that he could not join this battle. He was very sorry. This battle was Badr. in which three hundred and thirteen Mujahideen of Islam defeated one thousand Quraysh. Khalid was left grinding his teeth but that day when he was lying in this oasis he thought of how three hundred and thirteen defeated one thousand. was given

He was defeated and asked the visitors that what was the quality of the Muslims that had conquered them? Khalid sat up and began to trace with his finger on the sand the positions of the Quraysh and the Muslims and the lines of their movements during the battle. His father made him an expert in the art of fighting. As a child he was taught to ride horses, and as a boy he was able to tame horses with a strong voice. He had become a knight in his youth, he was also an expert in camel riding. His father was his teacher. He made Khalid not only a soldier, but also a ruler. Khalid liked fighting so much that he started thinking about ways to fight and fight and was able to lead an army in his youth. He regretted not being able to join the battle of Badr and he kept thinking of ways of revenge but Now his thoughts went in a different direction. Some time before his departure from Makkah, he was lost in the thought that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, had beaten Rakana Pahlwan three times. It was another force, but after the battle of Badr, the fire of revenge against the Muslims was burning in his heart. The Muslims had taken many men of Quraysh as prisoners in the battle of Badr. So this was a shock, its very bad effect was accepted by Khalid. He remembered that when the battle of Badr was being fought and no news was reaching Mecca about the outcome of the battle, the people of Mecca were fighting Badr. They kept looking in the direction that a rider would come running from here and tell the news of victory. Finally, one day a camel rider was seen coming. People rushed towards him. The rider had torn his kirta according to Arab custom and he was crying. This is what the messengers who brought bad news used to do. When he reached the people, he told them while crying that the people of Quraysh had suffered a terrible defeat. They used to ask about whether they were alive, wounded or killed? The defeated Quraish were coming back. Among those killed, seventeen people belonged to Khalid's tribe, Banu Makhzoom, and with all of them Khalid was closely related by blood. Abu Jahl was also killed. Khalid's brother, whose name was Walid, became a prisoner of war. Abu Sufyan, who was the chief of the Quraysh, and his wife Hind were also present. "Tell me something about my father and my uncle, O messenger!" Asked, "Your father was killed by Utba, Ali and Hamza." The messenger said, "And your uncle Sheeba was killed by Hamza alone and your son Hanzala was killed by Ali."  

Hind, the wife of Abu Sufyan, first cursed Ali and Hamza in a loud voice, then spoke. By Allah! I will avenge the blood of my father and my uncle and my son." There was silence on Abu Sufyan. Khalid's blood was boiling. Seventy men of Quraish were killed and the number of prisoners of war was the same. Khalid got up. He wanted to leave it empty, but his mind would have reached Madinah, where the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, was and which had become the center of the propagation of Islam. As soon as the thought of the Holy Prophet came, his mind would go back and show him the scene of which the Holy Prophet was the creator. In his mind he remembered the words of Hind which he had said to his husband Abu Sufyan: "I forgot my father and uncle." I can." Hind had said, "Should I forget my heartache, Hanzala? How can a mother forget her son? By Allah! I will not forgive Muhammad for the blood of my son. This fight was done by Muhammad. I will not forgive Hamza and Ali. They are the murderers of my father, my uncle and my son." "My blood is only boiling over the murder of my son," said Abu Sufyan. I am obliged to avenge the blood of my son. The first thing I will do is to prepare a strong army against Muhammad and leave him unable to fight in the future.” The famous historian and chronicler Waqdi writes that the next day, Abu Sufyan called all the chiefs. It belonged to those chieftains who could not participate in the Badr war for one reason or another, and some loved one of each of them was killed in this war. All gathered with the intention of revenge. Do I need to talk more? Abu Sufyan said. My own young son has been killed. "If I don't take revenge, I have no right to live." Everyone started speaking at once. They agreed that revenge should be taken from the Muslims for the defeat of Badr.

 "But none of you should stay in your house," said Khalid. In Badr, we were humiliated only because the chiefs stayed at home and sent those people to fight who did not understand the greatness of the Quraysh.

 "Didn't my father also think of the greatness of Quraish?" Khalid's cousin Ikramah, who was the son of Abu Jahl. Disgusted, he said, "Didn't the father of Safwan bin Umayyah also think of the greatness of Quraish?" Where were you

 Son of al-Waleed?" "We have not gathered here to fight each other." Abu Sufyan said." Khalid! You shouldn't have said something that would make anyone feel disrespected."

"None of us remains honorable," said Khalid. Of

 Swear! The heat of my blood has burned my eyes. The blood of Muslims can cool these eyes. I will say again that now the chiefs will be in front and I know where I will be on the battlefield. "They all unanimously appointed Abu Sufyan as their leader. A day before that, a caravan of the people of Makkah had returned to Makkah from Palestine. It was a commercial caravan. Every family of the inhabitants of Makkah, especially the Quraysh, contributed to this trade. There were more or less one thousand camels in this caravan and the value of the goods that went was fifty thousand dinars. The leader of the caravan was Abu Sufyan, who made a profit of fifty thousand dinars. The way back from the caravan passed through Medina. The Muslims found out. They planned to arrest the entire caravan and at one point the caravan surrounded but that land was such that Abu Sufyan took advantage of the high ground and a camel to take one man and one camel out of the encirclement. His mind was traveling back to the time when the Quraish were gathering to plan revenge. He could hear every single word that someone had said, "If you have given me your chieftainship, then you will be responsible for my every decision." The ban is obligatory on you," said Abu Sufan.

 "My first decision is that I have not yet distributed the fifty thousand dinar profit to everyone. I will not share that. It will be used in a decisive battle against the Muslims. "I and my family approve of this decision," said Khalid first. "My second order is this," Abu Sufyan said. The families of our men who were killed in the battle of Badr are wailing. I have heard the men shouting and the women screaming. By Allah! When the tears flow, the fire of revenge cools down. From today, no one will cry for the victims of Badr. No effort will be made for it. You know that the Muslims have set the ranks for the release of the prisoners and fixed their ransom from one thousand to forty dirhams. We will not give even one dirham to the Muslims. This money will be used against us.

 The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

 to be continued

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