Muslim Woman Hijab is my identity

*🍃Hijab is my identity🍃*

 A week later, Iqra got married to Miraj, now she had become Iqra Miraj from Iqra Anwar.

 Wow, Iqra, you are now my sister-in-law, so now I will call you sister-in-law, not you, okay, Iqra, sister-in-law?

 Sadia mischievously said that ever since the marriage, she had been teasing Iqra, sometimes she would make her shut up by staring at Iqra, sometimes by scolding her, but after being silent for a while, she would speak again.

 Sadia, if you don't shut up now, I will start crying, Iqra threatened her

 Oh, the bride-to-be should not cry while leaving, otherwise if she cries now, we should send her off with Meraj Bhai right now.

 Laiba, who had just come from downstairs, started teasing her after hearing Iqra's words.

 Iqra said in a weak voice that she was already nervous and these two were harassing her from above.

 Yes me too because me and Sadia are partners

 Laiba held Sadia's hand and said ok, then I am scared, now Iqra turned her face to the other side of the window from both of you, ok stay scared, let's go eat biryani in the other room, Laiba closed one eye and said, Sadia didn't understand.  I saw where I was surprised

 Iqra immediately said that Biryani was her weakness, which was attacked by Laiba and both of them laughed at her haste.

 Oh Allah, make this journey easy for me, make me successful in all the difficulties and trials that come in this new journey, or Allah, I don't know what it is like.

 How not?

 But my master knows what it is?

 what not

 My Lord, thanks to this marriage, give respect and love to each other in our hearts

 May my Lord make this marriage easy for both of us

 O Allah, save those who love in this world from sin and grant them the opportunity to do what they like, marry, and save them from what they do not like.

 After the marriage, Iqra sat and talked with Najma Begum and Sadia.

 We often forget Allah on the occasion of happiness and remember him in sorrow, but as soon as we get happiness, we become engrossed in happiness. The best person is the one who remembers his Lord in every situation.  If you ask for prayers, if you are a Sikh, you should be extremely thankful to the Lord that He has given us this happiness. Allah tests a person even by giving pain.  He narrates the times and also tries by giving pleasure that now my servant remembers me or forgets me even though my Lord knows everything.

 How many times did Laiba say recite Bismillah before every work, but you are the one who forgets it, Iqra said with a little anger, she always used to say to Laiba, but she would forget again.

Sorry I forgot again in a hurry

 Laiba hit her head and said, Sadia was laughing with her face down.

 You forget every time Iqra told him

 Laiba smiled and said she used to tease Iqra on purpose every time.

 No, now this is my sister-in-law and she will be with me all the time, so please find someone else, Sadia said, you can't find someone, but I started looking at her with surprise, why do you look for someone else, she is my friend.

 Laiba held Iqra's arm and said now these are my friends plus sister-in-law

 Sadia grabbed her other arm, shut up both of you and leave me, Iqra said, but it didn't have any effect on them, so Iqra suggested a recipe, Sadia, if you leave me, I will make you comb Pharaoh's daughter. Iqra said to Sadia that she will tell the story of the maid, then Sadia left immediately, she already wanted to hear this story.

 You said it quickly

 Sadia said quickly

 It was narrated from Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that on the night of Israa (the tour of the heavens that Allah made the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, in one night), I began to smell a very high fragrance from a place. Gabriel What a nice scent it is.

 So they replied that it is the combing maid of Pharaoh's daughter and her children.

 When asked about her glory, she said, "While combing Pharaoh's daughter, the comb accidentally fell from the hand of this believing woman, and the name of Allah came out of her tongue." Pharaoh's daughter said, "Allah is my father." "No, Allah is the Lord of my father and your father." Pharaoh's daughter said, "I will tell my father about it." The maid said, "There is nothing wrong."

 Pharaoh called the maidservant and said, "Do you believe anyone other than me as your Lord?" She said, "Yes, my Lord and your Lord is Allah." He and his children should be thrown into it one by one. That believing woman said to Pharaoh, I have a request. Pharaoh said, what is it?

 He said to collect the bones of me and my children in a cloth and bury them. Pharaoh said, "Well, some of your rights are our responsibility, so it is accepted."

 Later, Pharaoh ordered to put his children one by one into a cauldron as hot as fire. He gave speech to the child who was drinking milk) He said (to his mother) "Mother, do not be sorry, but throw it (into the fire) because the punishment of this world is much lighter than the punishment of the Hereafter."

 Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) says that four small children spoke. They are these

 • Isa bin Maryam (peace be upon him).

 • Mr. Jurij

 • Testifier of Yusuf

 • The son of Pharaoh's daughter Mashata (a woman whose profession is to go to people's houses and braid combs)


أخرجه الإمام أحمد في " المسند " (٣٠٩/١) ، والطبراني (١٢٢٨٠) ، وابن حبان (٢٩٠٣) ، والحاكم (۴٩٦/٢)

Both of them were listening to her in silence. After Iqra finished the story, Sadia spoke after some time

 Pharaoh burned them just for reciting Bismillah. How cruel Pharaoh was

 Sadia was surprised and said that she had not heard this incident before, she only knew that Pharaoh had burned a servant but she did not know why.

 He used to say Nawzabullah that I am your God, call me God and Bismillah means the beginning with the name of Allah, that is, Allah who is the creator of all the worlds, that is, Allah who is the only one, that is, Allah who has no children. Nor is he the child of anyone

 Iqra said, "You Christians believe that Isa is the son of Allah, don't you?"

 Sadia asked, "Yes, they call Jesus the son of God and they are completely misguided. It is known that there is a lesson in the story of Pharaoh's daughter Mashata that even if you die, do not deviate from your religion of Islam, because life is going to die." The thing is, today people will leave the path of Islam due to the fear of death, but death will still come, the same death that will come when they leave Islam. Allah Almighty gives them a lot of reward, this world is temporary and the life of the hereafter is the real life. Even while giving, faith should not be weakened, but should be strengthened. Amen

 Iqra said then both of them said Amen...!!!

 *The series continues...*


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